Welding Instructor
Position Title: Welding Instructor
Department: Career-Technical
Immediate Supervisor’s Title: Dean for Career-Technical Education
Positions Supervised: None
Term of Position: 9 Months - Exempt
Position Description:(primary functions)
Teaches assigned classes according to the overall goals and objectives of the department and policies established by the Board of Trustees; advances the students’ knowledge and application of the course material.
Minimum Requirements:
- An associate degree and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline.
- A minimum of two (2) years of work experience in the field within the last five years: five years or more experience is preferred.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
- Issues to students a policy letter at the beginning of the semester and objective sheets for each unit of the course during the semester
- Keeps classes in session for the full scheduled time (Classes identified in the schedule as independent study classes will have been according to requirements of the instructor.)
- Sets aside sufficient time for student conferences, guidance, and tutorial assistance. (Minimum of 6 hours per week required.)
- Keeps prompt, up-to-date, accurate records of attendance, grades, and other reports
- Works a minimum of 35 hours each week on campus during the fall and spring semesters and submits to the department chairperson a monthly work record. (Less than full-time contractual faculty work a proportional workweek)
- Attends general faculty, division, and departmental meetings
- Participates in student/teacher and faculty/administrator evaluations and performance review conferences; develops a personal improvement plan in those areas deemed necessary as a result of evaluations
- Serves on committees as appointed
- Participates in formulation, execution, and evaluations of departmental goals and objectives; cooperates in the execution of the college, division, and department policies
- Recommends budgetary items to the Dean for Career and Technical Education
- Participates in the selection of textbooks and library materials
- Participates in staff development activities, professional associations, presentations, publications, applied educational research, consulting, evaluations, and similar activities which enhance the individual and the educational profession
- Uses teaching techniques that include the effective utilization of resources that motivate students to achieve their potential
- Assumes responsibility for inventory and maintenance of instructional equipment and supplies
- Presents a personal appearance in keeping with contemporary community standards for a professional person
- Maintains current credentials as required in the respective field
- Performs other duties as assigned by the Dean for Career-Technical Education
Click here to apply online.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Coahoma Community College is an equal opportunity institution in accordance with civil
rights and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex,
disability, age, or other factors prohibited by law in any of its educational programs,
activities and employment opportunities. The following person has been designated
to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Taneshia Turner, Director
of Human Resources/Coordinator for 504/ADA, Title IX Compliance Officer, Office #A100,
Vivian M. Presley Administration Building, 3240 Friars Point Road, Clarksdale, Mississippi
38614, Phone: (662)621-4853, Email: tyoung@garfie1d.com.